Maximizing Revenue: 5 ways to Improve Treatment Acceptance, Adherence and Patient Propensity to Pay
With improved access to patient health information, expectations for knowing out-of-pocket costs prior to treatment acceptance is on the rise. By integrating these 5 strategies, healthcare practices can increase treatment acceptance by 10% and revenue by 4.5%.
Cost TransparencyTransparency is a cornerstone of patient-centric care, and Treatment Estimates are a powerful tool in achieving this. By providing patients with clear, accurate assessments of treatment costs before they commit to care, you empower them to make informed decisions.
Early Payment AcceptanceInitiating the payment process early in the patient journey, ideally at the point of scheduling or registration, streamlines your revenue cycle and ensures that patients are financially committed to their care.
Authorized Payment AgreementsPayment authorization agreements are a proactive way to secure payment while respecting patient preferences. Obtain patient consent to automatically process payments up to a pre-determined amount post claim adjudication. It’s a win-win situation that enhances both patient satisfaction and revenue collection.
Flexible Payment PlansAffordability is a significant concern for many patients. Offering flexible payment plans can make healthcare more accessible. These plans break down the cost of care into manageable installments, reducing the financial burden on patients and increasing their propensity to pay.
Revenue Cycle AutomationAutomation is a key driver in improving both efficiency and revenue. Encouraging patients to securely store their payment information simplifies the payment process. Pair this with digital engagement strategies that send timely payment reminders and convenient payment options.
Why Choose ClearGage for Treatment Estimates?
To fully implement these strategies, selecting the right vendor for Treatment Estimates is paramount. ClearGage offers a comprehensive and reliable solution that seamlessly integrates into your practice. With ClearGage, you can provide accurate treatment cost estimates, simplify payment processes, and enhance patient engagement. Our commitment to improving transparency and affordability in healthcare aligns perfectly with the strategies outlined here. ClearGage is your partner in optimizing treatment acceptance and revenue growth while ensuring a positive patient experience. Learn how to meet patient expectations upfront and improve appointment uptake, treatment adherence and patient propensity to pay by meeting with one of our experts. Schedule Now |